Mask Up for Me

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sutherland Weston worked with the Community Health Leadership Board (CHLB) to help promote the use of cloth face masks in Eastern Maine communities and help curb the spread of the virus. With the help of some local influencers (and a few friends with buttery flaky international reach), this campaign aimed to help keep Maine’s case count low.

The Logo

My colleague Sherado made an excellent logo for CHLB proper, and it was my job to develop something in that same spirit. The goal was to make something that looked like an emblem. Something that would make a handsome decal. Something stampable and sharable.

Photography Guide

A series of testimonial graphics was at the core of this campaign with photos and messages from local leaders. I developed a simple one-page guide to help everyone take the best photos possible.

Info Sheets

In partnership with health agencies all around the country, Mask Up for ME positioned itself as a hub of information for Mainers as we all worked together to keep people safe and healthy. Info sheets were distributed in both digital and printed form to share key information in a format that’s consistently branded and easy to take in.

Sharable Graphics

The sharable graphics came in two flavors: Testimonial-type images and general facts. This campaign evolved as the Sutherland Weston and CHLB teams assessed local attitudes and got more information about the challenge at hand.


D&D: The Tom Paradox


Bangor Symphony Orchestra